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​Corneal Ectasia Vs. Keratoconus - Severe Impairment of Visual Health

Posted by Accuspire on May 2nd 2023

When your vision distorts due to bilateral thinning, weakening, and changing shape of the cornea, it is known as Corneal Ectasia. In this process, the cornea protrudes forward and bulges leading to a group of non-inflammatory eye disorders. The vision correction processes like refractive surgeries also result in corneal ectatic conditions.

On the contrary, Keratoconus is a particular kind of Corneal Ectasia thinning the central inner layers of the cornea and resulting in a cone-shaped bulge. The cornea loses its shape and gets distorted in various dimensions like oval, nipple-shaped, d-shaped, or keratoglobus. It is an uncommon condition, also known as the conical cornea.


Double or blurry vision, halos, and headaches are some of the common symptoms of Corneal Ectasia. Whereas, Keratoconus is considered a hereditary condition, and a person is believed to be affected by birth. The Keratoconus symptoms are more or less similar to Corneal Ectasia but if not treated on time, it can lead to permanent loss of vision.

In severe cases of Keratoconus, Penetrating Keratoplasty Surgery is used to replace the damaged thinning layer of corneal tissues from a donor. To understand more about the character of ectasia after Keratoplasty in Keratoconus eyes, delve deeper into this article.

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