​Black Eyes - Symptoms And Causes

​Black Eyes - Symptoms And Causes

Posted by Accuspire on Jun 15th 2020

Black eye is just a phrase, which describe a swelling or bruising around the eyes. It may be because of an injury on the face or head. Fluids or blood gets collected around eyes, which in turn causes bruising.

The skin around our eyes is very loose and so if there is any injury on the face, blood or fluid gets built up and there is a swelling. As the phrase indicates, there is no harm caused to the eye. This condition heals itself within few days.

Sometimes it may be a symptom of serious eye injury eg. hyphema. If there is bleeding in the eye, then it is Hyphema. It affects the cornea in our eyes leading to vision loss. Ocular hypertension occurs when there is a eye trauma. If there is blackening around both eyes, then it may be a skull fracture.

Black Eye Symptoms

Some of the symptoms of black eye are swelling and pain around the eyes. The swelling may be small at the beginning but in course of time it gets increased and the eyes have difficulty in opening. There is also discoloration around the eye, first it appears red and then slowly turns to black. The vision also gets blurred.

If there is a head injury, then symptoms like vision loss, double vision, severe headache, blood coming from nose or ears, blood on eyeballs and inability to move eyes may occur. These conditions require immediate medical assistance.

Black Eye Causes

This condition is caused when we get hit in the eyes or nose. Depending on the impact area, one or both eyes get blackened. If the impact is on nose then both the eyes gets blackened. Sometimes surgery on the face can also cause black eyes. Infections and allergies can also cause swelling around eyes but not discoloration.

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