Treatment For Chronic Angle Closure Glaucoma

Treatment For Chronic Angle Closure Glaucoma

Posted by Accuspire on Jun 30th 2020

The glaucoma’s damage to our eyes is permanent and it cannot be reversed, but this condition can be stopped to prevent further damage by surgical procedure and medicine.

Laser surgery is usually done to reopen the drainage angle that is blocked. In some cases eye drop is used to control the eye pressure. They must be used on a daily basis to lower the eye pressure. It works by reducing the amount of aqueous fluid produced in the eye. Some other eye drops work by normalizing the fluid flow through the drainage angle. There are possibilities of having side effects. If so, one must inform his ophthalmologist about the side effects for a better solution and must never stop immediately taking his glaucoma medicine.

Laser surgery:

There are two types of laser surgery done to ease this disease. The surgery helps to move the Iris away from the drainage angle and is done as an outpatient procedure. The two types are Iridotomy and Iridoplasty. During the first procedure a tiny hole is created in the Iris using a laser and fluids flow through the drainage angle from the hole and in the second procedure the iris is shrinked and kept away from drainage angle using a laser.

Some other surgeries are also done to reopen the drainage angle and to create a new channel. Cataract surgery is one among them. The lens is large in some patients, which pushes the Iris up and blocks the drainage angle and the lens also becomes cloudy at times. The lens is removed and replaced with clear implant lens which opens the drainage angle and in turn lowers the eye pressure.


Sometimes the iris sticks to the angle permanently and blocks the drainage angle. This connection is known as synechia and it blocks the fluid flow from eyes. Tiny surgical instruments are used to buy the surgeon to break the connection and pull the Iris away from the drainage angle to restore aqueous fluid flow.


A tiny flap is created in the sclera and a bubble is also created in the conjunctiva called filtration bleb which is then hidden under the eyelids and cannot be seen with the naked eye. Through the blab fluid drains out of the eye and is absorbed by the tissues to lower pressure in eyes.

Glaucoma drainage devices:

A tiny drainage tube is implanted in the eye by the ophthalmologist, which sends fluid to the collection area. A reservoir is created beneath the conjunctiva and the nearby blood vessels absorb the fluid and lower the eye pressure.

Treating glaucoma must be given utmost priority as it can damage the eye vision. It is important to visit your ophthalmologist as per schedule. Always follow the instructions given by your doctor.

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