​Redness Relieving Eye Drops

​Redness Relieving Eye Drops

Posted by Accuspire on Jun 16th 2020

Red eyes are also called as bloodshot eyes. Almost everyone gets red eyes at least once in their lifetime. It is just a temporary condition and is caused by various factors such as tiredness, allergies, dry eyes, when there is smoke and eye irritation. Conjunctivitis is also one of the causes for red eyes.

This condition is caused because of the blood vessels on the surface of our eye. These blood vessels expand when they are irritated, causing white eyes appear red. In this case redness relieving eye drops are used to make the eyes appear normal. They are made from decongestant which temporally reduces the swelling in blood vessels. When the blood vessels are free from swelling, the eyes become normal. It is also made up of non decongestant material. They also come with lubricant to ease the eyes from dryness which causes irritation.

Sometimes decongestant may wear off, make the eyes appear more red. This is why doctors recommend lubricating eye drops. If it works fine then there is no need to use decongestant medicine. It must be used only for a short period of time. They must not be used along with nasal decongestants for more than 72 hours.

Patient suffering from narrow angle glaucoma should not use decongestant eye drops as it can develop angle closure glaucoma which is a very serious problem. Consult your ophthalmologist if your eyes become red suddenly or it is constantly red also if you have blurry vision or there is a sticky discharge from eyes.

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