Punctal Plugs – The Ultimate Solution to Cure Dry Eyes Syndrome

Punctal Plugs – The Ultimate Solution to Cure Dry Eyes Syndrome

Posted by Accuspire on Mar 11th 2019

Dry Eyes Syndrome(DES) can be diagnosed with two solutions. The process of improvising your own tears is said to be Restasis. Restacis has it own disadvantage such as high-cost, long time to diagnose. On the other side, punctal plugs are considered as the great way to diagnose DES.

A tiny silicone cylinders or collagen are often said to be punctal plugs which are 1mm width and 3mm length.  Punctal plugs are inserted into puncta. The link mentioned below is the video which describes about the dry eye problem as well as the solution. Many of patient’s have mentiond their positive comments about the treatment in the video link above.

The video above gives a clear picture about what dry eyes is and its treatment method using punctal plugs. The comments of the patient’s will give you a courage to go through the procedure to diagnose chronic DES.