​Iridocorneal Endothelial Syndrome

​Iridocorneal Endothelial Syndrome

Posted by Accuspire on Jul 17th 2020

This is one of the rare eye conditions. It is also known as ICE and there are three main features of it -The corneal swelling, change in iris and a form of glaucoma. This condition is related to change in iris and corneal cells. The cells begin to move from the cornea to iris and there is also loss of cells in cornea. As a result, there is corneal swelling and the pupil and iris become distorted. The specific movement of corneal cells blocks the eyes microscopic drainage channels and it also causes pressure in eyes, leading to glaucoma.

Women are having more risk of having this condition when compared to men and this condition affects only one eye.


The exact cause for this condition is unknown and according to ophthalmologists, virus like herpes simplex is the one to trigger it. This virus also causes the cornea to swell.


Some of the symptoms associated with this condition are blurry vision in eyes, change in iris and change in pupil.


A complete eye examination is done to diagnose this condition. The test reveals corneal swelling, increased eye pressure and change in iris.


The progression of this condition cannot be stopped and the treatment is primarily focused on managing the glaucoma. Some of the options are medication and surgery which helps to reduce eye pressure. Medication is prescribed by the ophthalmologist to reduce swelling of cornea. In some cases, a corneal transplant is necessary.