Eye Health During Pregnancy

Eye Health During Pregnancy

Posted by Accuspire on Jun 23rd 2020

Pregnancy time is a wonderful time for women. They get more attention from family members during this time. It is important to eat healthy foods during pregnancy. However some parts of our body get affected by pregnancy such as congestion, nausea, skin tags, snoring etc. Change in hormones is very common during pregnancy and also metabolism and blood circulation. These symptoms are minor mostly and will fade away after the baby is born. Sometimes there may be a more serious problem and require immediate medical assistance.

Eye condition related to pregnancy

There is a change in curvature and thickness of the cornea. There is a slight increase in prescription, however most doctor do not recommend to wear contacts or glasses because the condition will be normal after some months of delivery.

During pregnancy irritation and dryness in eyes is common. This is just because of shifting hormones. If you are unable to wear contacts because of dryness consult your doctor.

If you have diabetes, go to your doctor immediately before getting pregnant. Get yourself screened for diabetic retinopathy as it worsens during pregnancy. Ask your doctor whether the medication is ok for the baby.

High blood pressure can cause vision problems. Also be concerned if you have symptoms like double vision, blurry vision, loss of vision, light sensitivity, seeing floaters, excessive swelling etc.

A regular and balanced diet is very important during pregnancy. Eat foods which are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids such as walnuts, flax seeds, salmon etc. These foods ease your dry eye symptoms and help in baby’s brain development.