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Exploring Retinal Detachment: Causes, Types, and Urgency of Treatment

Posted by Accuspire on Jun 16th 2023

The retina is a light sensitive tissue layer which is present inside the eye. It sends visual messages to the brain through the optic nerves. When the retina gets detached, it is pulled or lifted from its original position. If left untreated, it can cause permanent vision loss.

There are areas or retina that is torn. It is called retinal break or retinal tear and it can also lead to retinal detachment.

There are three types of retinal detachment- Tractional, Exudative and Rhegmatogenus.

In tractional detachment, scar tissue o surface of retina contracts and causes separation of retina from RPE, which is retinal pigment epithelium. This type of detachment is not so common.

Exudative detachment is caused by inflammatory disorder and injury to eyes. It is frequently caused by retinal diseases. The fluid gets leaked underneath the retina and there are no break or tear of retina.

Rhegmatogenous is a break or tear in the retina. The fluid gets under the retina and separates it from RPE. The pigmented cell layer is responsible for nourishing the retina. Rhegmatogenous detachment is very common.

Retinal detachment is more likely to occur to people who are suffering from retinal detachment in other eye, having family history of retinal detachment, eye injury, cataract surgery, eye disorder such as uveitis, myopia etc and extreme nearsighted.

Symptoms are – cobweb like appearance while viewing or curtain appearance over field of vision or light flashes in eye. Retinal detachment must not be taken lightly and it is a medical emergency. It requires a surgery and the patient needs to stay in hospital. Virectomy is performed and a slight incision in made on sclera. Gas is injected to reattach the retina. Eye generates fluid which replaces the gas and fills the eye.

90 percent of retinal detachment is treated nowadays with the help of modern technology. Vision is best when retina is repaired before macula detaches.

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