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​Difference Between Pinguecula And Pterygium

Posted by Accuspire on Feb 13th 2023


Pinguecula is a raised lesion, which appears in yellow color. It is seen in the white part of the eye near to cornea. This can be seen on either sides of the eyes, but mostly it is seen near the nose side. When our eyes are more exposed to the ultra violet rays coming from the Sun, the conjunctiva produces more elastin fibres. This in turn heaps up and produces pinguecula. This looks like a fatty deposit on the eyes. The name is derived from the Latin word ‘pinguis’ which means fat. This is common in people, who are above the age of forty. This necessarily does not mean that you people won’t get in during 20s or 30s, especially when you are roaming outside in the sun. Pinguecula does not require any treatment as it is benign. It may be uncomfortable at times and also difficult for the eyes to produce tears properly, it can be managed with the help of artificial tears. Surgical treatment is a rare option and is only done when it is disturbing contact lens wear.


It is a wedge-shaped fibrous growth in the cornea, especially in the conjunctival tissue. This is also seen on the nose side. When UV light passes through cornea, it makes some changes in the conjunctiva. This is also known as surfer’s eye and is also associated with dusty and dry environment. Some of the symptoms are blurred vision, distorted vision, redness, irritation, discomfort. If th pterygium attains its advanced stage and is seen growing on the cornea, it requires surgery. Surgery is a good option and the graft conjunctival tissue is take from the upper eyelids. The possibility of regrowth after surgery is very less.

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