​Chalazion and Stye - Symptom, Diagnosis And Treatment

​Chalazion and Stye - Symptom, Diagnosis And Treatment

Posted by Accuspire on Jul 2nd 2020

Some of the symptoms of stye are: sensitivity to light, eye tearing, crustiness on the margin of eyelid, scratchy feeling in eyelids, feeling of foreign particles in eyes, small pus spot in bump, swelling of eyelid.

Chalazion can develop without any symptoms at first. Bump on eyelids, eyelid swelling and becoming red, tender feeling, blurry vision are some of the symptoms of chalazion.

People who have blepharitis, which affects the eyelid’s edge or those who had a chalazion or stye before, are at a greater risk of developing chalazion or stye. People with seborrheic dermatitis or diabetes can also get this condition.


Warm compress:

Warm compress is one of the ways to ease this condition. Soaking a washcloth in hot water and pressing gently on the eyelids for 15 mins can ease this problem. This must be done three to five times a day. Warm compress opens up the clogged oil glands. One can use his fingers to gently massage the area. This will help the glands function normal.

Antibiotics are also prescribed to ease the infected stye and make the glands function normal. Steroid shots are used to reduce the chalazion swelling. If it does not go away after doing the steps mentioned above, surgery is the best option. Local anesthesia is used during surgery. If there is a serious eye problem, the tissues from the affected area are examined to find whether there is any serious problem.

Never ever try to squeeze or pop up chalazion or stye as it can spread to other areas. Wearing eye makeup is also not recommended when you have this condition.