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​Causes Of Eyelid Twitching That May Surprise Us

Posted by Accuspire on Aug 10th 2022

Eyelid twitching occurs suddenly all of no reason at all. Is it because of our lifestyle habits? Let us see.

Muscle tissues are present in eyelids and it gets stimulated by the electrical signals generated from brain. The signals are responsible for our eyes to blink and for various facial expressions and sometimes, the signals are sent randomly causing a twitch which lasts for a shorter period of time and usually affects only one eye.

The causes are usually tiredness, over stimulation, stress etc. Caffeine is also known to cause muscle twitching. Consumption of caffeine in large amount can cause muscle tics in the eyelids. Try to half-down your daily caffeine intake and see the results.

Eye strain is also one of the causes for eye twitching. It is very difficult for the human eyes to stare at a computer screen for a prolonged period of time. Some of the symptoms of eye strain are blurred vision, fatigue, headache, dry eyes, double vision and eyelid twitching. To avoid eyes getting strained, take some rest at regular time intervals and try to blink. Repeat it often.

Stress is also one of the main factors for eye twitching. Stress is caused both physically and mentally and is related to a hormone known as cortisol. It acts as a stimulant in the body like caffeine and can induce eyelid spasms and other conditions. Eyelid tics are known to increase cortisol levels in the body. Some of the best ways is to do meditation, exercise, yoga etc.

Lack of sleep is also one of the causes for this condition. It is also very bad for our health as sleep plays an essential role in relieving stress and balancing our hormones. It is mandatory to sleep for at least 8 hours a day.

Eyelids are known to glide on the tears produced by our eyes. The oily layer is usually a lubricant, and when it is not normal, it causes the eyelids to get disrupted and finally induces twitching. Working on a computer for long hours can also cause dry eyes. To overcome this condition, artificial tears are used.

Blepharospasm is a rare neurological condition which is also known to cause eyelid twitching. It is nothing but malfunctioning of the brain which suddenly causes jerky movements and is managed by injections such as botulinum toxin.

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