About Eylea And Its Uses

About Eylea And Its Uses

Posted by Accuspire on Jul 21st 2020

Eylea is a drug used to treat problems in retina, diabetic eye disease and especially wet age related macular degeneration. This drug is used as an injection and injected into the eyes to prevent slow loss of vision and other type of diseases.

Eylea is actually the drug’s brand name known as aflibercept. This drug is very helpful for blocking abnormal growth of blood vessels present on the back of our eye, which leaks and affects vision caused by AMD. It is one of the Anti-VEGF treatments.

However there are also some side effects associated with the use of this drug. Some of them are detached retina, cataract and eye infection. Some of the other side effects are sensitivity to light, redness in eyes, eye pain, vision change, floaters in eyes, seeing double images, foreign particle feeling in eyes, itchy or dry eyes. Consult your ophthalmologist if you have any of these symptoms after the treatment procedure.