​What Do Eyes Do When We Sleep

​What Do Eyes Do When We Sleep

Posted by Accuspire on Mar 30th 2020

On an average a person spends 3000 hours a year sleeping. It accounts for about one third of our lives. While sleeping it looks like that we are doing nothing, unresponsive and still. But in fact, our eyes and brain are very active.

Rapid Eye Movement

When a person is sleeping muscle in the body gets paralyzed. Rapid Eye Movement sleep is type of sleep in which the eyes continue to move. During this time a person is actively dreaming. It is known as saccades which is one of the fastest movement developed in human body reaching up to 900 degrees/ sec. The movement of the eyes during this time is not known entirely but some studies reveal that the eyes are following images appearing on dreams.

Sleep Deprivation

Recent studies have revealed that nearly 40 million American workers are sleeping less than 6 hours per night. Sleep deprivation affects concentration and reaction time and additionally eyes also gets affected. The eyes get refreshed when we sleep at least for 5 hours. Otherwise, side effects can occur such as optic nerve swelling, blood vessels popping up and eye spasms. For the sake of a person’s overall health one should be sure to get enough sleep. Adults must get 7 to 9 hours sleep while kids should sleep for 10 to 11 hours. Consult a Doctor if you have difficulty in sleeping. Keep your mind stress free for a good sleep, healthy and happy life.